The centralised and integrated maintenance services also incorporate mechanical specialist services, cleaning and maintenance of storage tanks and comprehensive catalyst handling services.

The centralised and integrated maintenance services also incorporate mechanical specialist services, cleaning and maintenance of storage tanks and comprehensive catalyst handling services.
We bring together decades of experience and expertise in executing routine maintenance, emergency repairs, shutdowns, turnarounds and plant revamp and rejuvenation projects. Our one-stop integrated maintenance services also include mechanical specialist services, cleaning and repair of storage tanks and the full range of catalyst handling services. DIALOG is committed to delivering professional and reliable service to our customers, meeting the highest standard in key performance indicators – HSE, Quality, Schedule and Costs. Our practice complies with OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO 14001 Environmental Management.
Equipped with proprietary technology that outperforms other handling systems, DIALOG catalyst handling specialists provide a comprehensive, one-stop solution for commissioning and maintaining catalytic reactors, vessels and columns. Not only does our technology help our refinery, petrochemical and chemical clients avoid unnecessary downtime, it also enhances safety by eliminating dust emissions, spills and under certain conditions inert entry. In addition, our vacuum loading process can result in extremely low catalyst attrition rate, which extends catalyst lifespan and provides significant cost savings for our customers.
DIALOG Catalyst Handling Services plays to our strengths, including proprietary catalyst handling technology, best practices, multi-range services and a highly skilled and experienced workforce. DIALOG owns a full range of patented technology which includes "Closed-circuit, Closed-loop" systems, Ultra low attrition, "zero" dust emission and zero spillage hoppers.
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